Saturday, August 7, 2010


Time to change: from BMW to BMW.
Clean energy.In the long term, hydrogen will replace petrol: that is the BMW CleanEnergy idea. However, hydrogen fuelling facilities are currently not widely available. This is why BMW CleanEnergy vehicles have both a hydrogen and a petrol tank. If one of the tanks is empty, the bivalent BMW engine unit switches over automatically to the other fuel system.

The alternative hydrogen.
Clean energy.
Unlike coal and petroleum, hydrogen can be produced in unlimited quantities. And when it burns, no carbon is liberated. Today, hydrogen is still mainly obtained from natural gas whereby carbon is separated and released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide (CO2). In the future, however, hydrogen will have to be produced from renewable electricity sources and water.

Light and water - the dream team.
Clean energy.

The sun sends as much energy to the earth in an hour as mankind consumes in a year. This energy can be used to produce electrical power in solar power plants, for example. The electricity can then be used to break down water by electrolysis into hydrogen and oxygen. During this breakdown process, the energy gained is transferred to the hydrogen. Hydrogen is therefore merely an energy carrier and not an energy source like petrol is. Consequently, hydrogen is not actually consumed in the true sense of the word.

A question of options.
Innovative technology.

The energy stored in hydrogen can be used to power the vehicle in two ways: either in a combustion engine or in a fuel cell to generate electricity for an electric motor. One decisive advantage of the combustion engine is bivalence. It enables both hydrogen and petrol to be used, thus creating the ideal conditions for a transition from non-regenerative to regenerative drive energies.

An idea expands.
The infrastructure.

Together with a number of partners, BMW opened the first fully automatic and public hydrogen filling station at Munich airport in 1999. In autumn of 2004, the world's largest hydrogen filling station went into service in Berlin through the Clean Energy Partnership. Important experience is gathered at this station regarding the production, delivery, storage and filling during everyday operations.

A common aim.
Our partners.

With our vision for an energy concept based on hydrogen, we have set ourselves an
ambitious goal. To make sure this vision becomes reality, the BMW Group is collaborating with a number of innovative partners on issues of production, delivery, storage and filling. This concentrated expertise will provide the foundation for this revolutionary leap into the future.

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